Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Wedding Gown Smackdown!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Vivian and Tim
Another St. Louis day sunny and bright with the promise of SPRING! We are so pleased to welcome Vivian and Tim to the wedding family at BBP! Vivi and Tim also came to us from the Wedding Show at WOW and we are just delighted to have them. Vivi teaches second grade and is the bubbliest elementary school teacher you can imagine! Tim is an exec with one of the local investment firms. I'm sure the two of them will have a wonderful future together.
On another note, I got a very funny call yesterday from one of our hilarious brides. She says that my post yesterday about Jennifer Hudson looking like a baked potato in a prom dress was a little harsh. Harsh Schmarsh I say!! After all, did you see Hudson this morning on the Today Show? They point blank asked her about that dress during her interview and she very tactfully said that she loved "THE DRESS"...... emphasis on the dress. I think she was referring to the fact that she is young and wet behind the ears in show business and she allowed 'them' to dress her. baked potato jacket and all. See, it wasn't just me!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Envelope Schmenvelope!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Spring finery
With the coming of spring comes the heart of the wedding season 2007 and we are jam packed with brides and grooms. As always, we are so lucky to have couples that we just love, and are looking forward to each and every wedding on the schedule. We’ve all been taking bets lately about the colors of our spring bridesmaids dresses and the matching vests for the groomsmen. USUALLY the spring has less ‘all black’ weddings, and we see pink, lavender, moss green or even pale yellow, colors usually found in the Easter Egg range. Will this year be the same or different? Three of our wonderful brides have either called or emailed to tell us that they’ve changed their minds on the colors for the weddings so I think that this coming season will just be full of fun surprises! A couple of our weddings last year had bridesmaids dresses from Ann Taylor---- who knew? Those dresses were loved by the ladies in attendance as they were really stylish as well as actually wearable at a later date. This spring those fine designers at Ann Taylor have created yet more really fabulous dresses, our favorite is above (below the BBP Image). Lots and lots of really great styles, although I think that having to pay quite a bit extra for a matching satin sash is a bit much! We've never had a bridal gown from Ann Taylor, we actually didn't even know they made them! Their Jacqueline style is new this year and $900.00 dollars but they have another style at $600.00.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Toolbar says spring is on the way!
As the warm weather approaches, I dig being able to see the temperature on my toolbar---- right now it says 56, 56 before Noon, how great is that? If you are also a bit of a computer gadget geek freak, try the free download at You can install free weather goodies for your Mac or PC. If you want a freebie, you have to choose a "sponsor", i.e. an ad banner that will be on the bottom of your weather screen. No problemmo, I can look at (and ignore) NetFlix just fine. When my on computer temperature tells me it is 100 degrees I might be slightly less enchanted, but today I am optomistic!
Now......... I have to laugh at an email I received from one of our brides this morning. She (along with many of you) are an avid blog reader and she wanted me to know that it was unfair yesterday to say that Lindsey is Prince and Hana's favorite bride. "Hey........ I like dogs and they like me! I am sure that Hana and Prince would absolutely love me best if they had a chance to meet me! Give me a chance puppies! I want to be your favorite bride, I know you will not even remember those other brides!" Okay! Now we not only have lunch with our brides, consider them life long friends and the like, but now they are lining up wanting to be on a first name/first sniff basis with Bobbi's dogs. What can I say, I'll have their people call your people! :)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Puppies to Dogs
Monday, February 19, 2007
Michelle & Mike/In Praise of Naps
I was going to put their photos on the blog yesterday, but quite frankly decided that a nap would be a fantastic idea, and it was! Napping as a sport is greatly underrated and just flat doesn't happen often enough, well at least in my life! In taking a poll (once I woke up) of friends and family, almost none of us DO take a nap, even occasionally. I'm here to suggest strongly that we stop considering napping as sloth and instead as a wonderful way to revitalize our spirit! When I took my nap I confess that the brief guilt abated when the body just felt soooooooooooo good! I had forgotten the perk of a bit of sleep could make. I'm not saying that we should ignore the crucial tasks that we must perform for our families or jobs, only that sometimes a wee bit of a nap can bring us back to our lives feeling refreshed and better able to tackle life in general. Go on.......... take a nap! Just a shortie won't hurt a thing and whatever nagging tasks, unless life threatening, will certainly wait just a bit.
I am looking forward to my NEXT nap! :) Have a great Monday, looks like St. Louis will be blessed with some warmer weather this week--- in the 50's! Yippee!!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Katie & Jason
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Rings & Things
I wonder about wedding rings everytime I see them. Do they choose them because of:
- price
- design
- the 'show off factor'
- personality expression
At every wedding, we normally do a 'ring shot' before the ceremony, as well as throughout the day. When we are handed those little boxes by the best man and maid of honor it is always thrilling to open the case and see the jewel inside. Some rings are plain and simple, some are very trendy in their styling (i.e. square shaped or colored stones), and some are just plain flashy. In most cases the rings match the wearer---- but not always.
It's the day after Valentine's Day and everyone seems to be in a sort of daze. Is it the chocolate hangover? Or is it just the letdown that follows a 'holiday', especially a holiday where love is on the minds and hearts of just about everyone? We hope that you had a great Valentine's Day and your choice of loving gifts. I have to brag on my gift---- a RED iPod Nano! My Shuffle died recently and it's passing left me feeling very sad indeed. I'll be listening to Pema Chodrun while working today and feeling very Zen!
Stay warm----- and gather your strength, after all---- this weekend Mardi Gras is here!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
If life were a University, we major in BRIDES----- so who better to speak the language of LOVE? We're completely blessed to see love, devotion, and the art of cherishing your life as a couple modeled for us daily.
Happy Valentine's Day! Spread the love around!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Nothing more thrilling than snow??? Well, so say the kids around metro St. Louis where lots of snow fell around the area. The weather folks promised around 5 inches, looking out the back door I'd guess we received maybe 3 inches or so. Thanks to my wonderful neighbor Laine, my sidewalk and steps were shoveled and salted! We're a bit harder to thrill than our young neighbors, either because we don't get the fun of 'snow days', or we're just a little more jaded. Finding a good belly laugh today wasn't that hard, even without a sled! Check out this uTube video, the entire wedding party does the "Thriller Dance". Ohmygosh!
Personally, I think that the groom is really having WAY too much fun! Notice how the bride is in the second row? The groom is just sucking up all the attention and spotlight, I wonder if this is just the way their relationship goes? Geez! :)
So................... who will be the first wedding couple to provide such entertainment? Just let me know ahead of time, okay? I wouldn't want to set to giggling and embarrass myself!
Have a great time in the snow, no matter what your age!
Monday, February 12, 2007
After the WOW Show
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Maria & Ron
Maria and Ron came to us from the recent Wedding Show at America's Center where we had met in a crush of people. They are a really great couple and we immediately established a rapport with them even amongst the throng. When they came in to see us, it seemed obvious that BBP was the perfect blend to do their wedding photography. Thanks Maria and Ron, we are so pleased to have your trust and confidence! Welcome to the family!!!
Speaking of our wedding family, we're having dinner and cocktails with one of our brides and her Mom, Lindsey and Mary. I'm sure we will have a great time and much laughter. Are we the luckiest studio in the world? You bet!!
Happy Wednesday and Happy birthday to Jacob!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Breakfast of Champions
No, not Wheaties---- far too healthy I think. When I talk about the Breakfast of Champions at the studio it is far, well, more challenging food. We have a toaster and a coffee pot at the studio, this gives us the ability to create breakfast (or a snack emergency) when breakfast doesn't happen at home. So this morning, Bobbi comes in bearing a box containing a foil pouch in her briefcase. I know I shouldn't make this admission publicly to present and future brides on the BBP Blog but it is simply too good not to! The contents of the silver pouch were POP TARTS. Bobbi's favorite breakfast food, well one of them anyway. Personally, I'd be hard pressed to eat a Pop Tart unless it was a cherry one. When it comes to cherry I'd eat just about anything, and quite frankly-- have! :) Pop Tarts, and CHOCOLATE FUDGE ones. I think that is fairly disgusting although Bobbi can give you song and dance about their delicate and delightful taste and nutritional perks. Whatever!
The amazing thing to me is that apparently those fine creative folks at Pop Tarts have discovered yet another incredibly delicious treat------- FROZEN POP TARTS. Frozen, Pop Tarts, can you even imagine that? My stomach does a barrel roll at the thought of a chocolate Pop Tart from the toaster much less a frozen one.
I have admitted here frequently that I'm just a less than young, skinny fuddy duddy so I beseech you all, fine blog readers----- if you have actually eaten a frozen Pop Tart, I want to hear all about it.
I'll be eating Irish Oatmeal while I wait.............
Because I am a Google freak, the subject of Pop Tarts piqued my curiosity. GET THIS---- this guy has an actual article on the Internet about how to create a torch using your toaster and two strawberry Pop Tarts, based on the article about the same by Dave Barry. This is FUNNY stuff and I urge you to take a peek at this, really--- it is hilarious. (Then again, as we all know I am easily amused). The author of this article is a sick man, and I am sicker still to be laughing quite some time after reading the article, thanks Patrick.
If you still have not had enough laughter for the day, please find your way over to If you are language sensitive or a big Hello Kitty or Colin Farrel fan I would quickly turn you away gentle reader. If you scroll down a few entries however, I can recommend the K Fed Pop Tart Rap.
Long story short........... I love the Internet, other people's blogs absolutely fascinate me, and we as a nation are pretty funny people. I still don't eat Pop Tarts, add an extra "o" and you'll know what I really call them, and I'm waiting to hear your stories about PT's.
We're back to being serious, well somewhat and looking forward to meeting brides today. Have a good one! Just in case you are a nefarious sort, be on your guard! I now carry a toaster and two strawberry Pop Tarts along with an extension cord in case I need to defend myself!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Carbo Hangover
Just about everyone we talk to has a nasty carbo hangover. You know---- too many chips, pretzels, dip, pizza----- sigh. The sure fire way to tell that the Super Bowl is over, we're all ready for a salad and light cuisine, well at least for a day or two until the hangover fades.
Super Bowl 41 was a good one, no matter where you hailed from or who your favorite team was. The Colts and the Bears gave us good reason to cheer, many times for both teams at the same time. Me? Well, having gone to high school in Chicago The Bears do have a very special place in my heart (said with John Belushi tones of "The Bears"!) Think vintage Bears, Dick Butkus, Brian Piccolo, Gale Sayers, along with many of the other Bears greats. I couldn't help but find them heart favorites. Alas, their victory was not to be as Manning and the Colts won decisively. Along with discovering that Maple Barbeque potato chips from TJ's were a smash hit, it was a fun and very entertaining game. I always think of my ex- father in law Len when I think of football generally, or the Bears specifically. Because there is a lot of really cold winter out there I believe I'll give you his super secret recipe for Hot Buttered Rum, if he were still living I wouldn't dare! The concoction sounds kind of nasty but trust me, it is darn good!
Len's Hot Buttered Rum
Fill a mug with hot cider-- HOT!!
Stir in a heaping spoon of dark brown sugar
Toss in a jigger +/- of dark rum (Myers is great)
Float a pat of butter on top
A cinnamon stick stir element is essential
And enjoy! Len would make these babies up by the thermos full and all the boys enjoying the game at Soldier's Field were always so happy to have them. He never shared the recipe, guarding it much as Martha Stewart must guard the family jewels. Remember, I didn't say it was GOOD FOR YOU, just good! And, ssssshhhhhhhh, don't tell Len you got the recipe from me!
For girly balance (because we surely do need that)--- I am SO excited to know that one of my favorite stores is coming to The Galleria.................. LUSH!!!! I discovered Lush in British Columbia years ago when they were just starting out and have enjoyed them since here in the U.S. and by mail order. How can you not be absolutely in love with a company that makes the most delicious bath bombs on the planet? My personal favorite is Butterball and Chelsea Garden. I'd love to try the sweet little bomb called "Sex Bomb", but really----- isn't buying one either looking desperate or giving too much information? The website says that when you take a bath with "Sex Bomb" that the fragrance will waft throughout your home turning it into a pleasure palace. Wow, now there's a claim! Their body butters are extraordinary as well............. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the bliss. You'll love Lush too when it opens, it's a fun store that just draws you in with it's open shelves and piles of luxurious and organically appearing products. Grab tight to your wallet, it's easy to run amok here! http://www.lush.comhas more info.
Good thing we're wearing some carbo's to keep us warm, it is going to be a high of 18 degrees today so stay warm!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Farewell Ron
My cousin Deb's husband Ron passed away yesterday after a very long battle with cancer. Sweet Deb is left to raise their young son alone and even with family and friends, it won't be easy. Once again, we get the hard reminder that life is so short, so fragile, so generally under-appreciated.
Today I'm going to try very hard to cherish everything, appreciate my many blessings more fully, I encourage you to do the same. As I do so I'll give a special nod to Ron and the life he built and the precious family he left behind.
Live it large/Be a blessing
Friday, February 02, 2007
Snowball Fight!
Christy and Justin met Bobbi at Tower Grove Park yesterday for a winter set of engagement photos. Obviously, they had a great time!
For all of you who know Bobbi, you will know that among her many great talents is the fact that she is a world class instigator of trouble! :) I do believe that she suggested that Justin behave in such a way that the snowball fight was escalated. Now, mind you, Justin did take to the suggestion in a big way---- as evidenced by the fun photos.
The snow is mostly gone now, either trampled off or scraped away, the extremely cold weather will keep the rest of it on the ground through the weekend by the sounds of it. While it lasted it was a gorgeous snow---- light and powdery, just perfect.
The extremely cold weather will be here through next week so stay warm and be safe. Is it time to go back to Ft. Lauderdale for another wedding yet? I am counting the days-----------