How can you top 3 graduations in one day? Is it that you have now graduated from Med School on top of the other two graduations? Is it that the day was bright and gorgeous? Is it that you gathered at Wildflower with family and friends for a great party, a beautiful celebration? Could it be the delicious treats overseen with care by your Mom? Or is it that to top off the day you married the love of your life, the woman who is your everything? That just might be the ticket right there!
All of these things are true indeed!
It could be argued that Susan and Gaurav had the very best day EVER! Possibly in the history of the world~
Susan's beloved dog Murray was along for the celebration as well.
Blue skies and gorgeous weather only made their joyful smiles bigger.
After partying with family and friends at Wildflower, the rain in the Central West End stopped long enough to go out for a bit and play-----
It's been awhile since we've seen a bride IN the fountain there on Maryland! Is she not just beautiful?
Always sweet and genuine yet so playful and spirited, we just love Susan!
Must be time to walk back to the reception................ with a stolen kiss along the way......
Susan and Gaurav, it was magical! Thank you so much for letting us share the joy and capture the images of your extraordinary day with "Images from the Heart..."