We thought it would be nice to share some images that might put your day in some sort of perspective. Just when you think that you are having a bad day...... Bobbi shares some images of hers! Apparently, when coming home from a long day at the Studio, Prince and Hana (normally stellar dogs) had escaped from their enclosure downstairs. They love to play upstairs, bask in the warm sun in the sitting room, and have puppy fun. To hear Bobbi tell it, she came home and Prince and Hana didn't greet her with the usual barks and happy talk. No, no, no----- it was silent. Their enclosure was empty and just as she left it, however the Houdini Dogs had escaped indeed and run upstairs. As we all know, there is nothing more fun to a puppy than unwinding toilet paper all over the house and generally carrying on with it. They must have been upstairs for some time to have made the mess they did (and we won't even discuss the 'other' messes found!) Bobbi says that the only good thing is that they are way too chicken to come DOWN the stairs! They might still be in the dog house!
Have a wonderful day and remember to focus on the up side!
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