Okay.......... we hear it EVERYWHERE----- let the holidays begin, let the good times roll, time to
Celebrate!!! Not so easy for those (bless them) that still don't have power here in St. Louis, but the lights and heat are coming back on and as it does, and we thaw out--- all around us is the deer in the headlights look that says, Christmas is HOW MANY DAYS AWAY??? Friends Laine and Giuliano just got their power back on last night and now with their fabulous home on the house tour next weekend they are in a mad dash to get the decorating finished.
For the rest of us, relax--- take a breath! Get done what you can and let the rest of it go. No worries! And let's all make a vow right here and now, no matter what your religious affiliation or where you are from, lets remember to keep the important things first and foremost. Family, Friends and the Divine. We will all celebrate together, and take care of each other as we can. Sounds like the last line of a Zen card but it still holds true.
Get ready to celebrate! Start by counting your blessings and give what you can to those in need.
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