We go out of our way not to discuss those really tricky things----- politics, religion, etc. But a subject we can't avoid is being spoken of on the Internet, at the water cooler, and in offices (and studios) all over America---- the Final Twelve on American Idol! Personally, I don't know why America is allowed to vote in the first place, they always get it wrong as Randy says, and this week was not an exception. Having watched (and suffered) through this season to date, there are very notably contestants who have no business being on the stage with the talents of the others! Yet, inexplicably, they stay! Case in point is Sanjaya Malakar------ sorry but this guy is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Sent home was Sundance Head when it really needed to be Sanjaya. Granted, Sundance might have made an odd song choice with "Jeremy" but he was an outstanding performer--- far better than the lackluster, off key, just plain bad Sanjaya. Other standout votes of the evening were sending Antonella Barba home--- good call America, she overstayed her welcome by several weeks, when indeed I never understood how she made the cut at all! Then when her nudies started showing up, well---- others before her have gone home, I don't know why she was allowed to stay. Sabrina Sloan was another Idol wannabe that was cut lose from the herd last night----- and why? She was very different, and very good. Haley Scarnato? You have got to be kidding! You know that the top 12 is the 'buzz' when the poll on www.AmericanIdol.com asks "The Top 12 is: a. right on the money, b. a little surprising, c. almost perfect, d. totally shocking." We know what our vote is! Next week we start the competition 'for real' as the top twelve begin singing the weekly themes and continue to try to charm America with their skill and style. Our vote for the top of the pile? As it has been since week one, we have to go with Melinda Doolittle hands down. Lakisha Jones is also very good but in the name of marketability and versatility, we will stick with Melinda. Now for pete's sake get rid of Sanjaya America!!!!
That is Friday in the Studio! Idol discussion, a full schedule, and busy-busy-busy! The new wedding newsletter went out last night, if you aren't on the mailing list and would like one, just let us know at info@BobbiBrinkmanPhotography and we'll get one right out to you!
Have a fabulous day!
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