Well, I'm back in town after a whirlwind bit of a getaway. I'd call it a vacation but really, I absolutely refuse to call 5 days away, including 2 travel days, a vacation. Nevermind what you call it, I'd have to say it was near perfection! While everyone at BBP continued to toil away on all things Studio, I was with Daughter One and Daughter Two as well as my three (count 'em three) grandsons. We laughed, ate, went to Starbucks (a lot), ate some more and played every kind of board game imaginable. I have discovered that I am not very good at either monopoly OR video games. This will undoubtedly come as no surprise to those of you that know me! I missed a great engagement session with Christina and Chris (above), it looks like they had a great time without me!
My grandboys were 'very scary' on Halloween! We had a BLAST! From left to right there is the Superhero Amalgam, the Rock Star, and Army Guy. Army Guy has the candy, he's a bright kid. Their Mom was a Pirate (the pretty kind she says) and I was simply Mimi, my favorite role!
Thanks to all of you who took it easy on Bobbi when you needed a question answered, an email taken care of, or something from the etcetera category. Maybe she appreciates me in the office now? :)
Now to get back in the groove of things, there is SO MUCH on my desk! Sigh. Time to apply the groove and get to it!
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