Thursday, June 04, 2009

It's all in the Name: i.e. check before hyphenating!

I got an email from a friend that made me laugh. Now mind you, I laugh easily! It's been a gorgeous day with the weather in the low 70's, no humidity, sunny and gorgeous. Better yet, I had studio errands to run most of the day so was able to be out in the yummy weather and enjoyed every second. If the truth be told I stopped for lunch (outside of course) and really hated to get back to work. Don't tell the boss, it might not go well for me.

Regardless, because you just might need a little laugh I'll share these with you. I'm assuming they are the real deal, I mean who could make this stuff up?

None of our brides are quite this funny..................... but please check your married name before hyphenating anyway. I'm just sayin.............

I won't include the funny running comments in the email for fear of pushing the envelope. Use your imagination or make up your own!

'nuff said.

1 comment:

JeanAtobeP said...

I work with a girl whose wedding announcement was Coke-Head. She even made it on Jay Leno's 'Headlines'.