Monday, May 07, 2007

Anastasia & Greg

After all of the rain, rain and more rain we've had lately, we were happy to put up with the good old St. Louis humidity last Saturday when Anastasia and Greg were married. The sun was out and it was just glorious! The bride could not have been more beautiful and the groom was handsome and smiling,it was hard to beat! The wedding party was a lot of fun as well, right down to the adorable flower girl and ring bearer (I even got a hug after the ceremony!). Danielle who always combs the wedding for ideas she can steal, er borrow..... found two great components that she says she will be using when she gets married. (Let's get her graduated from college first, shall we?)

This Monday morning is bright and sunny--- enjoy it and have a great week!

1 comment:

Carin and Michael Schindler said...

Is it bad that i have given up the will to diet... I don't have time to think about it? Do you guys do airbrushing... LOL?