Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flying Week

In a rather impossible moment it has come to my attention that it is Thursday! How did it get to be Thursday without me noticing? In my defense my mother came for a no-notice visit and all else has been a blur. A blur!

We've been crazy trying to get engagement sessions in ahead of the rain---- thanks to all of our wonderful clients for being so accomodating. Believe me, while Bobbi is powerful, she is not able to change the weather. Yet.

I have lots of great images from recent sessions............ but while I get them processed (thanks Mom!), I'll leave you with a favorite from last weeks' wedding, Sara and Joshua!

More later............


JeanAtobeP said...

Bobbi can't change the weather yet?! I'm so disappointed... ;-)

Bobbi Brinkman Photography said...

No Jean, Bobbi can't change the weather yet. I think she is working on this though..........