Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The inside dish

We hear it every week------ not who did your dress, or your hair, or even your flowers! The buzz is on what is the inside story, bridal lingerie! It falls into several camps:
  • The Simple
  • The Sexy
  • The 'over the top' Sexy
  • The Elegant
  • and
  • The Whoooooooooooooa!
Every bride is different and has different ideas and tastes, as it should be of course! Whether you get your special unmentionables at a shower or purchase them yourself we've collected some links for your perusal.

Unveiled Bride (their collection of Hanky Panky & Betsey Johnson is excellent)
Lingerie Diva (frankly the lingerie with the clip in bridal veil makes me grin)
Henry & June where free shipping is always a good thing
Nordtrom Bridal Lingerie--- definitely in the Elegant category!
Best Bridal Prices--- Their 'fantasy' pieces are most unique
Sweet Undy's definitely not your Mama's lingerie!

What other brides are saying:
  • save your really special lingerie for the honeymoon.
  • invest in some chafing relief powder (applied under your lingerie and on places that can rub a bit is a good thing. You'll be warmer than usual under your dress and applying the powder (sometimes a gel) helps stop chafing and itching when you can't really scratch the itch! B*ody Glide and M*onistat make a good one.
  • Lace is great but make sure you get soft lace, not the scratchy kind (we heard this recently at a rehearsal dinner of all places!)
  • don't forget to take a lace lingerie bag with you on your honeymoon. Hand washing your collection of honeymoon lingerie is essential and a little bag and some packets of cold water wash is a great idea.
  • Don't forget to bring along something special for your groom! (We did not ask specifics thinking it the better part of valor!)
Because it is HOTTER than blazes in St. Louis today and everyone is a little cranky because of it (what, you too?) I leave you with an undie related clip sure to make you smile. From the fine folks at Hipp*ieSk*ivvies............. check this out.

Stay cool!

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